Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service

Scope: Market Analysis, Financial Analysis, Investment Analysis, Contract Structuring Analysis, RFP/ Prospectus Development

Services: Lodging, Food & Beverage, Retail, Other Recreational Services

Issue: The NPS required an economically feasible deal structure and RFP/prospectus development for a large concession contract.

Process/Outcome: CHMGS’s process deconstructed the existing contract and, using market, financial, and investment analysis, identified a suitable reconfiguration of contracts. We analyzed two of the Park’s existing large concession contracts to understand potential options for reallocation of services between the two contracts. This analysis involved developing zero-based staffing budgets for each operation, identifying suitable capital investment priorities for repositioning operations, and allocating existing leasehold surrender interest to optimize two new contract structures. CHMGS successfully structured contract terms and supported the NPS in developing prospectuses advertising business opportunities that resulted in two successful contract awards.

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